Series: The Testing #1
Author: Joelle Charbonneau
Format: Hardback, 336 pages
Rating: 5 stars!
Recommend it to?: Hunger Games fans.
My Review: i loved this book from the first few pages.
yes this book is very much like the Hunger Games, i understand some people's angry about it's just like it. i do see how they think that, am i angry about it? no. the story may follow kinda the same thing but there is much more to it and honestly minus a few details, all 3 hunger games books are pretty much the same story anyhow so you shouldn't get so mad about this.
I'm happy about the strong female main character, Cia. She's amazing. She does make mistakes but learns. The love story part was a little forced i think, but at least it wasn't the main story line.
Overall, i really liked this book and i like how the story went.
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