Basic Info
Format: Paperback
Pages/Length: 191pgs
Genre: Young Adult; Vampire
Reason For Reading: Challenge, finish series
At A Glance
Love Triangle/Insta Love/Obsession?: INSTA
Cliff Hanger: No
Triggers: n/a
Rating: 1.5 stars
Score Sheet
All out of ten
Cover: 6
Plot: 4
Characters: 0
World Building: 4
Flow: 5
Series Congruity: 8
Writing: 6
Ending: 4
Total: 3
In Depth
Best Part: Short!
Worst Part: Colby, for real.
Thoughts Had: Dear lord, you need to die.
Continuing the Series: n/a
Recommending: No
Short Review: I honestly thought this would be better than book 2 because we get Piper and Colby's POV, but it was worse. Colby still is the worlds worse friend ever! Seriously, Colby BEGS for help from Piper, but when Piper comes to Colby with an issues (IE talking cats!) she blows her off and says she doesn't believe her?! WHAT THE FUCK. Then we have this Hunter, shallow POS happens, Colby basically says eff Thomas, give me Hunter, and freaks when Piper shows interest in him. The plot was like 30% of this book, the rest was Colby being shitty.
Book Boyfriend: Carl
Best Friend Material: Piper!
Review in GIF Form:
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