Basic Info
Format: Audio
Pages/Length: 8hrs
Genre: Young Adult; Fantasy; Dragons
Reason For Reading: Challenge
At A Glance
Love Triangle/Insta Love/Obsession?: Insta a little.
Cliff Hanger: No
Triggers: n/a
Rating: 3 stars
Score Sheet
All out of ten
Cover: 7
Plot: 6
Characters: 6
World Building: 6
Flow: 5
Series Congruity: n/a
Writing: 6
Ending: 6
Total: 6
In Depth
Best Part: Dragons
Worst Part: Bored characters
Thoughts Had: you need to freak out
Continuing the Series: Eh
Recommending: Eh
Short Review: This MC was not surprised by anything, at all. Girls has wings?! Accepts it. Father dies in plane crash?! Nah he can't die. People burned your house down?! At least we all are alive. Guy chasing you in your shitty car?! That's when you freak out!!! *sigh* I hate when they write people like this, just accepting everything that happens. If i find out the girl i rescued has freaking wings and you can breathe fire, that should freaking freak you out!!! Other than that, it was a pit on the slow side, and i really liked his mom, even thou he totally left her behind, but at least he saved the cute girl *eye roll*
Book Boyfriend: Pass.
Best Friend Material: Pass.
Review in GIF Form:
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