Format: Audio
Pages/Length: Almost 14hrs
Genre: Young Adult; Steampunk
Reason For Reading: Challenge
At A Glance
Love Triangle/Insta Love/Obsession?: No
Cliff Hanger: No
Triggers: n/a
Rating: 3 stars
Score Sheet
All out of ten
Cover: 7
Plot: 6
Characters: 6
World Building: 6
Flow: 5
Series Congruity: 7
Writing: 7
Ending: 7
Total: 7
In Depth
Best Part: Books' quotes!
Worst Part: Slow going
Thoughts Had: Eh, maybe, idk, i can't decide!
Continuing the Series: Maybe
Recommending: Sure
Short Review: Maybe i'm just bored of life, but these books are not doing it for me at all. I mean, there was a freaking dating scene going on. IDC about that at all. They say bosom too much. There was a good amount of action scenes but i feel like the tone of the narrator made them out to be way less interesting than they were. Eliza still made sure she was wearing pants, or wanted to be wearing pants, we get it, you are progressive and wear pants! Shit. The ending saved it a bit. I'm kinda excited to see what they will do in the Americas!
Book Boyfriend: Books!
Best Friend Material: Eliza i guess.
Review in GIF Form:
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