Basic Info
Format: Audio
Pages/Length: Around 7hrs
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Reason For Reading: Challenge
At A Glance
Love Triangle/Insta Love/Obsession?: No
Cliff Hanger: No
Triggers: n/a
Rating: 3.5 stars
Score Sheet
All out of ten
Cover: 7
Plot: 7
Characters: 7
World Building: 6
Flow: 6
Series Congruity: n/a
Writing: 6
Ending: 5
Total: 6
In Depth
Best Part: Easy read.
Worst Part: Too quick on the draw.
Thoughts Had: Decent enough for sure.
Continuing the Series: Yes
Recommending: Sure
Short Review: Cozy mystery right here. I sometimes like the books where the MC falls into solving a crime even thou it isn't their job, and sometimes i hate it. This one, i liked, to a point. Some twist i knew were going happen since it's modeled around a TV show, like that kid isn't really yours. The ending; (view spoiler) I'll let it slide as it's book 1 but still, no. It seems that each book will be a different murder since they wrapped this up at the end. Little low on the action, and her falling for that person, and then they get in a tiff near the end, ugh. Overall, an okay book, what i would expect from book 1.
Book Boyfriend: The cop!
Best Friend Material: Pass, for now.
Review in GIF Form:
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