Basic Info
Format: Audio
Pages/Length: 10 1/2 hrs
Genre: Young Adult; Vampire
Reason For Reading: Challenge, continue series
At A Glance
Love Triangle/Insta Love/Obsession?: Obsession with a dead guy
Cliff Hanger: No
Triggers: n/a
Rating: 1.5 stars
Score Sheet
All out of ten
Cover: 7
Plot: 3
Characters: 3
World Building: 5
Flow: 5
Series Congruity: 7
Writing: 6
Ending: 1
Total: 4
In Depth
Best Part: Black water Michigan!
Worst Part: Merit, as always
Thoughts Had: Still do not like you girl!
Continuing the Series: Yes
Recommending: Sure
Short Review: Merit, Merit, Merit. I hate you for real. 95% of this book is Merit crying about Ethan, we get it, he's dead, boo ho, move on. Then the last 5% of the book... Boy did she move on!!! Freaking crazy slut. Anyhow, I am sad that Merit's frenemy is turning evil, but come on, it's magic, who can't be evil there. Catcher is annoying and dumb. I was happy to hear my home state mentioned! (Indiana) Filler book for sure.
Book Boyfriend: Pass
Best Friend Material: Mallory!
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