Basic Info
Format: Audio
Pages/Length: 8hrs
Genre: Mystery
Reason For Reading: I like the series
At A Glance
Love Triangle/Insta Love/Obsession?: No
Cliff Hanger: Eh.
Triggers: n/a
Rating: 3 stars
Score Sheet
All out of ten
Cover: 4
Plot: 5
Characters: 5
World Building: 5
Flow: 6
Series Congruity: 8
Writing: 6
Ending: 3
Total: 5
In Depth
Best Part: Side stories!
Worst Part: Horrible wives!
Thoughts Had: This didn't work.
Continuing the Series: Yes
Recommending: Yes
Short Review: So i guess Grafton took this book in a weird direction for sure. So we have two stories in this. One is "main" story, guy goes missing and Kinsey is brought in to find him because his newest wife thinks he's dead even thou all the signs point to him running away, which as the books goes on, i can very much see why he wanted to leave. This stripper turned trophy wife, doesn't even seem too concerned that he's missing either. We get some random tied up loose ends, but overall, case goes "unsolved". Second story, which is far better than the main one, is about some brothers who off people in such a good way that they is no way to trace it back to them. Grafton should have just written the book about that one. Maybe it'll clear up in the Q book, but we'll see.
Book Boyfriend: Pass.
Best Friend Material: Kinsey
Review in GIF Form:
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