Format: Audio
Pages/Length: 12hrs.
Genre: Young Adult; Fantasy; Dragon
Reason For Reading: Challenge
At A Glance
Love Triangle/Insta Love/Obsession?: no
Cliff Hanger: Kinda
Triggers: n/a
Rating: 2 stars
Score Sheet
All out of ten
Cover: 6
Plot: 6
Characters: 5
World Building: 5
Flow: 4
Series Congruity: n/a
Writing: 6
Ending: 5
Total: 5
In Depth
Best Part: Dragons!
Worst Part: Lame ending.
Thoughts Had: Really!?
Continuing the Series: Maybe
Recommending: eh
Short Review: Listen to the audio of this, and the narrator made the head dragon guy sound like Yoda and another character sound like a LOTR character and i couldn't see past that. The prison part kinda confused me, there was a maze in it? And you had to not trust the left turns, but then the guy is like nah bro, you gotta follow the rats because they live above that rule. It was gross and i cringed a lot. The not telling a lie thing was interesting, the thing glowed different colors if the dragon lied. The end thou, too simple, they want them in prison but will let them go if they just let them have the egg, and he was like yah go ahead i trust you even thou you were just trying to saw the key off to escape. Dumb.
Book Boyfriend: Pass.
Best Friend Material: Pass.
Review in GIF Form:
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