Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Review: Crushed! (Pretty Little Liars #13)

At A Glance
Young Adult; Mystery
Love Triangle/Insta Love?: nope.
Cliff Hanger: yepp.
Rating: 3.5 Stars

Score Sheet
All out of ten

Cover: 8
Plot: 7
Characters: 6
World Building: 7
Flow: 8
Series Congruity: 8
Ending: 10

Total: 7

In Dept
Best Part:
The ending nailed it.
Worst Part: Spencer!
Thoughts Had: That's how girls get killed.; oh snapp.

Continuing the Series:
Recommending: yep

Short Review: Holy crap that ending. Crazy shit right there for sure. Um, well, for starters, Spencer. Up to this book i was okay with Spencer, she had her moments but overall she's been okay. But this book totally ruined Spencer. She does shit without thinking. Asks random strangers to Prom. Runs around to scarey places with said stranger. She needs to get her head on soon! Other than that, great addition to the series. I was sold on Noel being A but i guess now :D

Review in GIF Form:

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