At A Glance
Genre: Young Adult; Science Fiction
Love Triangle/Insta Love?: Insta love.
Cliff Hanger: Slight.
Rating: 3 Stars.
Score Sheet
All out of ten
Cover: 8
Plot: 7
Characters: 6
World Building: 4
Flow: 8
Series Congruity: n/a
Writing: 7
Total: 7
In Depth
Best Part: The male MC's driving nature.
Worst Part: The male MC was written like he was 12.
Overall Feels Felt: Oh snap; YOU LIAR!!!
Continuing the Series: yes
Recommending: yes
Misc.: Written in 2 POVs; 1 female and 1 male.
Short Review: I loved the dual POVs, i always do and probably always will! The male MC was written like he was 12 instead of the 17 ish yr old he was supposed to be. He whined a lot. I loved the female MC, she didn't take anyone's shit, and at one point hit one of the older characters! I did figure out the "twist" pretty fast which is one of the reason i lowed the rating, it dragged badly in some parts.
Review In GIF Form
Genre: Young Adult; Science Fiction
Love Triangle/Insta Love?: Insta love.
Cliff Hanger: Slight.
Rating: 3 Stars.
Score Sheet
All out of ten
Cover: 8
Plot: 7
Characters: 6
World Building: 4
Flow: 8
Series Congruity: n/a
Writing: 7
Total: 7
In Depth
Best Part: The male MC's driving nature.
Worst Part: The male MC was written like he was 12.
Overall Feels Felt: Oh snap; YOU LIAR!!!
Continuing the Series: yes
Recommending: yes
Misc.: Written in 2 POVs; 1 female and 1 male.
Short Review: I loved the dual POVs, i always do and probably always will! The male MC was written like he was 12 instead of the 17 ish yr old he was supposed to be. He whined a lot. I loved the female MC, she didn't take anyone's shit, and at one point hit one of the older characters! I did figure out the "twist" pretty fast which is one of the reason i lowed the rating, it dragged badly in some parts.
Review In GIF Form