Thursday, February 5, 2015

Feature and Follow! (4)

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read.

This week's question:

Do you read more than 1 book at a time, and if so, how, like a certain amount of pages per book before moving on to the next one in the queue?

My answer:

I read a lot of books at one time, usually 3 at a time. I read one on my kindle, 2 real books, and sometimes an e-book.

I only read the e-book when i have down time at work.

The two printed books i just pick up whichever story i want to be in the day and read til i either fall asleep or have to go to work!

The kindle book i pick up and read on Sundays, usually while i'm catching up on my shows :]

I don't really find it hard to read more than 1 at a time :]

How about you guys? 1 or many at the same time??


  1. I read more than one at a time. It's the only way I can keep up with everything I want to read. :) I read a mix of physical books and ebooks and audiobooks.

    Following you via bloglovin'. :)

    Brooke at Brooke Blogs

    1. Yes! i feel like if i don't read at least 2 at a time, i'm behind. Wayy too many book, and wayyy too little time to read them!

  2. I feel like reading 3 books at time is a super talent! I get confused and mix up things if I read two books at a time! (:

    New follower via Bloglovin' and I added you on Goodreads. I noticed that you were, indeed, reading three books. Lol!

    My FF

    1. I do sometimes catching myself reading 1 book and wondering where a certain character has been for awhile, then realize they're in the other book :]

  3. See, I find myself reading more on my Kindle than anything, but since I have so many books on my shelves that I've either been gifted/received for review/bought, I need to get to them. So, I usually try and read one review eGalley on my Kindle and one of the physical books off of my shelves at the same time and I just sort of switch off between the two of them.

    Happy Reading and Hopping Through! :)
    Suz @ A Soul Unsung

    1. Isn't it nice to receive books as gifts?? :]

      Thanks for hopping through!

  4. Its interesting to see how many people mix kindle/physical books . . .I have so many books waiting to be read on my shelves I think I might do this too! At the moment, I have 3 books I'm reading, but they are all on my Kindle/iPad.
    New Follower.
    Kirsty xx

    1. How do you manage reading 3 at the same time on the kindle? I tried reading two on there once, but it didn't work out for me so well, give me your secret :]

  5. Once upon a time I was a one book at a time reader. Then I got more involved in my book blog and realized that in order to keep current - I need to read more, so I usually have 2-3 books going at once now. I am such a mood reader that when one book is dragging for me I can put it aside and pick up something else for awhile. Between NetGalley and the Kindle TBR pile - if I don't read several at a time I will be so far behind.

    Old bloglovin' follower

    My FF this week

    1. I too used to be a 1 book kind of gal, but then i found Goodreads and all hope was lost :]

  6. I am impressed! 2 books is usually my limit, but I like how you arrange your reading time. It makes total sense!
    Old follower :)
    Here's my Follow Friday!

    1. I've gotten better at figuring out when to read what. I might start sneaking audio books in too, but i haven't made the jump yet :]

  7. I'm the same way. I'm usually reading three books. An e-book, a physical book, and an audiobook. I like being able to pick up a different book based on my mood or which I'm enjoying more. Plus I don't like taking physical books outside of the house. I've ruined too many books that way!

    Happy FF! New bloglovin follower.
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

    1. I might have to jump on the audio book band wagon :]

      And i understand, books are fragile creatures and should be treated as such :)

  8. Wow! That's impressive. New bloglovin follower
    My FF

  9. I have three on the go right now too. Although I normally just read 2.
    New bloglovin follower
    Monique @ Mo_Books

  10. I am pretty much the exact same way! I mostly read my Kindle when I am on the go or in bed. And the physical books when I have some free time. And then I usually read which ever one I am in the mood for.
    Great answer!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Old Follower

    1. The only thing i have on my Kindle are my e-ARCs, so i tend to forget to pick it up as much :/

  11. My goal for now is two, but I'm one book at time reader.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog,
    Silvy @ Books are my life

  12. I carry my mp3 player at work and listen to audio books all day, but at home I have hard copies and my tablet. So I always have at least 2 books going.
    I followed you on bloglovin'

    1. I wish i could bring my mp3 player into work, but we arent even allowed to bring our phones in. *Sigh* couldve gotten more reading done


You're awesome for commenting :] Whenever I'm not stalking other blogs, I'll be checking your comments and commenting back :] You're the best!