Sunday, January 1, 2017

Review: Black Dawn

Black Dawn Black Dawn by Rachel Caine
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

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Basic Info

Pages/Length: 12hrs
Genre: Young Adult; Vampire
Reason For Reading: Fuck if i know now.

At A Glance

Love Triangle/Insta Love/Obsession?:
Cliff Hanger: Don't care
Triggers: n/a
Rating: 1.5 stars

Score Sheet
All out of ten

Cover: 6
Plot: 4
Characters: 1
World Building: 4
Flow: 4
Series Congruity: 8
Writing: 5
Ending: 4

Total: 4

In Depth

Best Part:
Almost done with this damn series
Worst Part: Clair, as usual. I hate this girl.
Thoughts Had: *Giggles into his month* ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME


Continuing the Series:
Sadly yes
Recommending: NO

Short Review: Clair you are the WORST girlfriend. Let me paint you a word picture. So Shane (Clair's boyfriend) goes through hell and back. They recuse him from that. Clair thinks to herself "Maybe he'll talk to me about it even thou it was so horrible". Clair goes to comfort him, then asks about what happened when they made him dream, he then shot her down saying it was too hard to talk about. Then Clair being a completely normal, thoughtful girlfriend thinks to herself "MAYBE HE DREAMED ABOUT HOW MUCH BETTER OFF WITH ME HE IS!?!?!?" FUCK YOU CLAIR! FUCK YOU! Then we have this awkward almost sex scene between Eve and what's-his-face since they were being babies about some shit and was 'mad' at each other before that.


Book Boyfriend: No one.
Best Friend Material: HAHAHAHAHA

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